To accelerate the transition towards sustainable, low-carbon cities and infrastructure in China and Germany, this knowledge platform supports the technical exchange and information dissemination on topics of sustainable urban development as well as investment into low-carbon infrastructure in China and beyond.

The platform was set up jointly by the Sino-German Urbanisation Partnership Project and the Sustainable Infrastructure Alliance, commissioned by the German government, and shares outputs of the Europe-China Eco Cities Link Project, funded by the  European Commission. It serves as knowledge resource about relevant publications and resources, as well as networks of relevant partners in these fields.

Political dialogue

Political dialogue

We support the European-Chinese political dialogue on urban sustainable development seeking to positively assist policy-making and foster smooth policy implementation.



We support the organization and implementation of workshops and seminars with the public and private sector to open discussion and holding interactive and dynamic exchanges of views.

Study tours

Study Tours

We facilitate study tours that cater for the needs of our political cooperation partners, in order to introduce participants to the latest available approaches, expertise and international networks pertaining related to the goals of sustainable development.

Pilot projects

Pilot Projects

We implement together with our subnational cooperation partners pilot projects at the local level, which potentially allow testing of sustainable technologies and governance processes, regulatory advancement, and subsequent upscaling across China.

supported by

implemented by

In Cooperation with


Martin Hofmann

Martin hofmann

Head of Cluster
Sustainable Transition – Infrastructure & Cities, Mobility, Energy, Environment & Circular Economy

Anders Hove

Project Director
Sustainable Infrastructure Alliance