The report compared the flexibility of power system in Jing-Jin-Ji and Germany. The Sino-German Energy Transition project of GIZ and its phase I partner, Energy Research Institute of NDRC, together with North China Electric Power University jointly worked on this report. As renewable energy starts playing a more important role in the power system, it also requires higher system flexibility. Jing-Jin-Ji and Germany have similar flexibility resources, however, the ability to utilise these resources to provide flexibility for the system is very different. In addition to the flexibility resources, the report also compared probability of insufficient upward flexibility (PIUF), probability of insufficient downward flexibility (PIDF) and loss of load probability (LOLP) in Jing-Jin-Ji and Germany as well as provided policy advises for both region and country. The Chinese version can be downloaded using the link below.
Project: Sino-German Energy Transition Project
Commissioned by: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)