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Environment and circular economy transition in China

China Integrated Waste Management NAMA Support Project

The China Integrated Waste Management NAMA Support Project (China IWM NSP), headed by the NAMA Facility and the Chinese Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MoHURD), was initiated in September 2017. The project supports China’s ambition for a low-carbon urbanization through piloting integrated waste management (IWM) solutions in demonstration municipalities as well as promoting waste management partnerships and networks. In July 2018, with the support and guidance of MoHURD, Suzhou, Xi’an, Tai’an, Lanzhou and Bengbu were selected as the demonstration municipalities of China IWM NSP.


Through the application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP), the project strives to improve the capacity of the Chinese cities in implementing integrated waste management (IWM), to strengthen the attractiveness of municipal solid waste management (MSWM) as a financially viable low-carbon field of investment, to reduce the GHG emission in the waste sector and to maximize the resource potential of MSW, while promoting the transition of cities towards a low-carbon circular economy.


  • Analysis of GHG emissions in MSWM: The NSP developed an MRV model for GHG emission reductions in MSWM and has been applying it in the demonstration municipalities to verify GHG emission reductions
  • Assessment of IWM: The NSP introduced the system of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for IWM and carried out two KPI assessments in the demonstration municipalities
  • Technical assistance (TA) and policy recommendations: The NSP provided TA and gave policy recommendations to the demonstration municipalities in diverse areas of MSWM such as organic waste treatment, landfill management as well as data collection and analysis
  • Capacity building and awareness raising: The NSP organized multiple capacity building and awareness raising activities to facilitate the implementation of IWM and reached out to different groups of stakeholders including municipal decision-makers, technicians and operators of MSWM facilities, teachers and even primary school students
  • The NSP has also been actively collaborating with the private sector to elaborate investment opportunities in IWM and help China’s waste industry to explore the path of low-carbon sustainable development

Expected Outputs

  • GHG emission reductions of 220,000-440,000 tCO2e/y in all demonstration municipalities cumulatively
  • Direct benefits for at least 3 million of local inhabitants
  • Replication of the IWM approach by key stakeholders in the cities beyond the project demonstration municipalities
  • Increased share of controlled MSW treatment and lower levels of environmental pollution
  • Mobilization of public and social capital to implement and replicate the IWM solutions


18. February 2021

As China was hit by the COVID-19 epidemic, its waste sector was amidst the transformation process – from collection-disposal mode towards mandatory waste segregation at source and diversified integrated municipal solid waste management. How under these circumstances China’s waste industry shaped its response to the obstacles brought by the coronavirus – in our overview.

20. January 2021

The content of the MRV model includes the applicable scope, accounting boundary, emission sources, emission reduction calculation, data and parameters monitored as well as data and parameters not monitored. Meanwhile, related terms and definitions as well as schematic diagrams on emission sources are listed in the annex.

12. January 2021

China has for the fifth time during the last 25 years revised its Law on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste. The updated version of the legislation will be implemented in September promising better protection of the environment and strengthened rule of law.

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Implemented by


LIU Xiao

Dr. Liu Xiao
Project Manager

China Integrated Waste Management NAMA Support Project
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH