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Freight & Logistics

Efficient freight transport and logistics systems are essential for our everyday life. But freight transport also contributes significantly to climate change and air pollution. Growing e-commerce, parcel and food delivery volumes cause more freight and delivery trips and thus more emissions. To make freight transport and logistics more sustainable, holistic approaches are needed. Promoting intermodal transport and shifting freight transport from the road to rail and inland waterways is equally important as the electrification of freight transport and the efficient management of freight fleets. In addition, strong efforts, standards and regulations are needed in order to make freight transport more reliable and resilient and to make the transport of dangerous goods more safe.


Facts & Figures

0 %
of CO2 emissions in the Chinese transport sector are caused by diesel (freight and logistics) vehicles
0 %
of PM emissions in the Chinese transport sector are caused by (freight and logistics) diesel vehicles

News & Articles

Sustainable Strategies for Ports

As part of the study, research was conducted on best practices in green logistics in the international ports of Rotterdam (Netherlands), Los Angeles (USA), Singapore (Singapore), Hamburg (Germany) and Risavika (Norway). Simultaneously to this analysis, a survey was conducted in the Chinese ports of Ningbo-Zhoushan, Tangshan and Tianjin. The aim of the comparison was to identify potential for improvement and optimisation in Chinese ports.
