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China Transport Sector Policy Briefing 2020, Issue 3

The newest issue of our China Transport Sector Policy Briefing is here! The Sustainable Mobility Team at GIZ in China provides you with regular summaries of important policies in China’s transport sector.

Inside this issue of the China Transport Sector Policy Briefing

Below, you will find Issue 3 of the China Transport Sector Policy Briefing 2020, with summaries of most relevant and noteworthy developments in June and July.

Please click here to download the China Transport Sector Policy Briefing 2020, Issue 3Download

Selected highlights of this Issue are:

  • The update of China’s NEV Dual Credit System has been finalized. It is used to reward or penalize carmakers based on their share of NEVs and the fuel consumption of their produced fleet. The updated version continues a gradual increase of the required share of NEVs, but allows for some leeway in the calculation by crediting the production/import of vehicles with low fuel consumption (Article #1).
  • By 2022, 70% of mobility in selected “initiative cities” shall be “green”, as public transport and electro-mobility gain further prominence under the released Action Plan for Green Mobility (Article #5).
  • China puts focus on reducing logistics costs and making freight transport more efficient, which is becoming a vital puzzle piece in aiding production processes to return to normal levels, and to speed up the economic recovery from COVID-19 (Article #7).

In addition, you find further summaries on relaxed requirements on research and development capabilities for NEV manufacturers (Article #2), China’s standardization work plan for intelligent transport management and services (Article #3), incentive measures implemented by the local government of Shenzhen to boost NEV sales (Article #4), China’s electrification initiative for rural mobility (Article #6), and further details on rules regarding the recycling of scrapped vehicles (Article #8).

The whole Policy Briefing Team wishes you to stay healthy and safe!