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Chinese Delegation on Carsharing in Germany and the Netherlands

Between August 25th and 31st 2013, the Sino-German Cooperation Project on Electro-Mobility and Climate Protection organized the delegation “Best Practice on Carsharing Concepts in Germany and the Netherlands”. Led by Mr. Xu Wenqiang, Director of the Department of Road Transport at the Ministry of Transport of China (MoT), Chinese municipal and regional authorities attended the study tour that took place in Berlin, Wolfsburg, Hanover, Bremen and Amsterdam.

The main objective of the study tour program was to observe the best practice on carsharing and e-carsharing concepts in Germany and the Netherlands. There the mobility service became a successful measure to reduce car ownership, vehicle kilometres travelled, local air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Since carsharing in China is still in an initial stage, the study tour aimed to raise the awareness and acceptance of the climate-friendly mobility service as well as to help local practitioners to gain knowledge on the functionality, the beneficial impacts and the feasibility of (e-) carsharing systems.

The Sino-German Cooperation Project on Electro-Mobility and Climate Protection planned and conducted this study tour in the framework of its project component – Sustainable Mobility – that is engaged in the integration of electric vehicles into Chinese sustainable urban transport systems. The project is funded through the International Climate Initiative of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).

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