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Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) in the Chinese Urban Context -Lessons from the SUMP Foshan Pilot Project [EN]

Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) is intended to be promoted in China as a key planning tool to support the country’s ambition to foster integrated mobility planning and shift to low-carbon transport.

The city of Foshan in Guangdong province became the pilot city to explore the feasibility, localisation, and potential impacts of SUMP in Chinese cities. Through wider stakeholder engagement and public participation as part of the planning process, the SUMP Foshan Pilot Project aims at providing a more practical and comprehensive vision to Foshan.

This report, produced by the China Sustainable Transportation Center (CSTC) and reflecting the development of the SUMP Foshan Pilot Project, serves as a guideline for SUMP development adjusted to the Chinese urban planning context.

Drawing on Foshan’s experience with SUMP, the report provides a localised approach for policy makers and planners in Chinese cities seeking to foster climate friendly urban transport while reflecting the needs of transportation stakeholders and residents, and to further integrate the SUMP concept into their transport and mobility planning systems.