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The Beijing Dialogue: Future Urban Transport & Mobility in Beijing [CN Version]

Beijing, with over 21 million inhabitants, is striving to develop a future-oriented, sustainable urban mobility system to ease traffic congestion, alleviate air pollution, and help achieve China’s dual carbon goals.

To foster international exchange and formulate a vision and roadmap for sustainable mobility in Beijing, the Beijing Transport Institute (BTI), GIZ, and Agora Verkehrswende (Agora) jointly initiated the “Beijing Dialogue.” As part of the initiative, two workshops were held with experts from industry, the public sector, and academia to debate the vision, infrastructure, technologies, and implementation roadmap for future sustainable urban mobility.

The Beijing Dialogue also produced this report on Future Urban Transport & Mobility in Beijing, based on desktop research, online surveys, and results of the two workshops. It describes the status quo and trends in urban planning, demographic changes, and technology development in Beijing.

Providing a vision of a green, intelligent, and shared mobility system, and exploring a roadmap for such a system in Beijing, the report gives recommendations to local government and relevant stakeholders.