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Updates in the EU Transport and Mobility Sector [October 2021]

The EU Transport and Mobility Update is a format that aims to provide news on the latest policies, events and trends in the European transport and mobility sector. Compiled by GIZ, it provides insights in technology, sustainability and innovation by highlighting recent articles. Ultimately, this format is meant to foster exchange and dialogue on advancements as well as best practices in the European transport and mobility sector.

All content has been prepared with the greatest possible care and is provided in good faith. The assumptions, views, and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

News | 05.10.2021

Testing of automated freight trains starts to gain momentum

The German-Dutch project ‘Testing Automatic Train Operation Technologies for Cargo’ has been launched on the route that connects the port of Rotterdam with the Ruhr region and is available exclusively for freight trains. The project is a trial that aims to test automated trains’ control and remote monitoring in rail freight traffic for the first time by the end of 2025.

Source (German): BMVI – Erprobung automatisierter Güterzüge nimmt Fahrt auf

News | 05.10.2021

The share of newly registered EVs in Germany increases to more than a quarter of all registrations

In September, 197,000 new passenger cars were registered in Germany. While this is 26 percent fewer than were registered in the same month of the previous year, the share of new electric car registrations in September rose 37 percent year-on-year to 56,600 units. This increase has helped the share of electric cars in total new registrations to reach 28.7 percent.

Source (German): Deutscher Pkw-Markt im September: Rund ein Viertel weniger Neuzulassungen | VDA

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­News | 11.10.2021

Public consultation launched for ‘A Drone Strategy 2.0 for a smart and sustainable unmanned aircraft eco-system in Europe’

The European Commission is currently developing ‘A Drone Strategy 2.0 for a smart and sustainable unmanned aircraft eco-system in Europe’ for presentation in 2022. The EU drone market is projected to grow rapidly over the coming years, with drone services and operations expected to outnumber crewed aircraft. With a first regulatory framework for drones already in place, it is now essential to foster the uptake of the technology in Europe and, in particular, to ensure public acceptance of drones by tackling issues related to environmental protection, safety, security and privacy.

Source (German): Public consultation launched for ‘A Drone Strategy 2.0 for a smart and sustainable unmanned aircraft eco-system in Europe’ (

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­News | 13.10.2021

The role of the maritime industry in establishing a German hydrogen economy

The study’ demand for hydrogen and power-to-x (PtX) energy carriers in the maritime sector in Germany’ provides a broad overview of the current status of various hydrogen technologies in all maritime sub-sectors and assess hydrogen’s development trajectory until 2050. Based on that assessment, it lists the following set of recommendations for all relevant stakeholders: Expanding the renewable energy supply to enable sufficient support for the development of electrolysis capacities must be a cross-sectoral goal.

Imports will play a central role in developing a German hydrogen economy, as existing potentials and plans will not be sufficient to cover Germany’s domestic demand.

The different hydrogen and PtX products, both in the direct use of hydrogen and the use of the various hydrogen-based PtX fuels, can contribute to decarbonising the maritime transport sector in Germany.

Compounded by the better transportability of other PtX energy carriers compared to hydrogen, especially over long distances, a considerable effort in R&D will be required to bring hydrogen-tank technologies to market maturity.

Source (German):

Policy | 22.10.2021

European Year of Rail: France presents a strategy to revitalise rail transport.  

The strategy includes the goal of doubling the share of rail freight transport by 2030 from 9% to at least 18%. The plan aims to combat climate change and strengthen resilience to its effects. Furthermore, the revitalisation of rail transport seeks to catch up to other EU nations, many of which have much higher shares of rail freight with an EU average of 18%. In total, the French state plans to provide more than 300 million euros per year for this operational support in the period 2021-2024.

Source (French): DP_Relance fret ferroviaire.pdf (

Policy | 28.10.2021

Inland Waterway Transport Masterplan: more funds flow into environmentally friendly waterways

In line with the Inland Waterway Transport Masterplan, the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) will provide an additional 200 million euros in budget funds for replacement, repair and expansion measures on federal waterways. These funds can be provided thanks to residual budget from road construction.

Source (German): BMVI – Freie Straßenbaumittel fließen in umweltfreundliche Wasserstraße

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