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Environment and circular economy transition in China

Waste Management and marine litter

Waste Management

There are different types of waste, such as household, biological, commercial and industrial waste. Waste management is all the activities and actions required to manage waste from its generation to its final disposal. This includes amongst other things, collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste together with monitoring and regulation. It also encompasses the legal and regulatory framework that relates to waste management encompassing guidance on recycling etc. The aim of waste management is to reduce the potentially dangerous effects of waste on the environment and human health, and also leading to the higher hierarchy to waste prevention, reduction and recycling.

Reducing Marine Litter

Driven by rapid urbanization, economic development and changing consumption and production patterns, the amount of single-use packaging is rapidly increasing worldwide. At the same time, globally waste management systems still lack effectiveness. As a result, annually 75-199 million tons of plastic find their way into the oceans, based on estimates by UNEP. About 60 to 90% of marine litter consists of plastics, of which much comes from single-use plastic products and packaging. Microplastics are of particular concern due to their potential toxicity and size, entering food chains and drinking water, harming animals and representing a potential threat to human health. Actions need to be empowered to reduce the marine litter!

Transition towards a Circular Economy

Governments, businesses, academia and civil society increasingly recognize that a switch towards a circular economy approach to plastic waste is necessary to tackle these challenges. The transformation from a linear to a circular economy requires a much stronger commitment to sustainable management of waste and resources. The goal of circular economy is (1) to increase the life cycle of different types of materials and waste and (2) to facilitate their reuse by treating them as manageable resources. Circular economy is not limited to waste management only but starts with development and production of the product, its consumption or its use as a secondary material. In this field the concept of the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) plays an important role.

Facts & Figures

of municipal solid waste were collected in 2020 and 99.74% were environmental soundly treated in China.
75- 0
of plastic waste are estimated in the ocean (UNEP). Without interventions, the annual global plastic emissions will nearly triple by 2040.

News & Articles


聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)和高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)被认为是广泛应用于日化和食品领域的硬质包装材料,是包装废弃物中的主要类型之一。PET 和 HDPE 包装的回收利用,特别是同级高值利用,正日益受到业界关注,同时也是“重塑包装”项目框架内的重点关注领域。联合相关行业协会和业内专家,“重塑包装”项目编制了本报告,旨在总结展示我国日化及食品领域 PET 和 HDPE 包装废弃物的产生、回收及利用等环节全貌,分析其再生利用前景,并提出行业发展建议,以提升回收循环价值链。

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The first period report for “No Planet B: No Plastic Business” is now on!

Introduction Accompanying controversy, plastic has become one of the most significant components in the office. Every day, each person in office would consume many plastic products, like coffee/milktea cups, takeaway packaging, and snack packs. Currently, a substantial amount of current plastic waste from the office

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