To accelerate the energy transition both in China and Germany, this knowledge platform supports the technical exchange and information dissemination on topics of energy transition in China.

It was established jointly by the Sino-German Energy Partnership, German Energy Transition Expertise for China, and the Sino-German Climate Partnership, in order to promote the sharing of lessons learned and to raise awareness among stakeholders for the challenges to be overcome in the energy sector in China.

The priority areas of cooperation in these projects are expanding renewable energies and increasing energy efficiency in industry and buildings as well as fostering the energy transition in local cities.

Facilitate Dialogue

Facilitate Dialogue

The bilateral political and technical dialogue enables an energy policy exchange, defines the strategic direction of the Sino-German cooperation. We prepare and facilitate high-level political meetings, support the implementation of activities and organize the exchange between relevant stakeholders.

Provide Policy and Technological Advice

Provide Policy and Technological Advice

With our unique energy expertise we provide consultancy services on strategically relevant topics.

Capacity Building

Capacity Building

We engage in continuous counselling as well as preparing studies, analyses, workshops, and trainings.

Enhance Energy Transition Communication

Enhance Energy Transition Communication

We communicate about energy policy through various channels - in China and Germany. We facilitate know-how and information exchange in order to support the energy transition in both countries and the realization of opportunities by stakeholders in both countries.

Supported by


Implemented by


In Cooperation with


Martin Hofmann

MarTin hofmann

Head of Cluster
Sustainable Transition – Infrastructure & Cities, Mobility, Energy, Environment & Circular Economy

Yin Yuxia

Team Leader
Sino-German Energy Partnership

Markus Wypior

Team Leader
Sino-German Energy Transition Project

LIU Wenjin

Project Manager
Sino-German Demonstration Projects on Energy Efficiency in Industry and Cities