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Report sheds light on potential of China’s biomass sector to contribute to carbon neutrality

GIZ supported publication of China 2030/2060-Goal Low-Carbon Biomass Development Blue Paper

On 14 September, the China Biomass Energy Industry Promotion Association (BEIPA) launched the China Low-Carbon Biomass Development Blue Paper assessing the potential of China’s biomass sector to contribute to the country’s 2030 carbon peaking and 2060 carbon neutrality goals. According to the report, China’ biomass sector can help to reduce over 900 million tons and 2 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions until 2030 and 2060, respectively.

Within the framework of the Sino-German Energy Partnership, GIZ and German experts supported the development of the report and provided insights on the perspectives for biomass in Germany and internationally.

Bioenergy is one of the focal topics of the Sino-German Energy Partnership. The project facilitates exchange and cooperation between Chinese and German  think tanks and industry associations, conducts joint studies, and encourages private sector cooperation.

For more information on the Energy Partnership’s activities on bioenergy, please contact Mr. Maximilian Ryssel (

Click to download the report (Chinese Version Only) : 

China_Low-Carbon_Biomass_Development_Blue_Paper_CN.pdf (


Further read:

Publication – Biomethane Production and Grid Injection: German Experiences, Policies, Business Models and Standards:

Sino-German Energy Partnership

The Sino-German Energy Partnership links three levels of action: high-level policy dialogue, business-to-government exchange and an exchange of experiences on technical and regulatory solutions that promote the energy transition. The main aim of the partnership is to foster and advance the far-reaching and profound energy transitions ongoing in both China and Germany by exchanging views, best practices and knowledge on the development of a sustainable energy system, primarily centered on improving energy efficiency and expanding the use of renewable energy.