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European cooperation to make Zhuhai a Resilient city

Zhuhai challenge to climate change started at the end of 2017,when the city realized that typhoons, that every summer impact the coast and consequent floods, invading the majority of urban areas, represent the most important issue to focus on. Finding proper solutions to make the city resilient, adapting it to climate change impact is crucial to safeguard the safeness of citizens and Zhuhai economical development. The opportunity to cooperate with EC-Link project was therefore caught with enthusiasm by local administrators, aware of how this pilot project can also represent a model to be used by the many Southern Chinese cities affected from same natural disasters. The best EU competences have been selected to support Zhuhai in this challenging mission regarding both water cycle management and spatial design, to integrate technical solutions to protect the city from strong rains and raising sea level with a proper design and functionality of residential areas and coastal waterfront. The latter represents a precious resource that makes Zhuhai a very attractive touristic city. Three Pilot project components have been agreed with Zhuhai administrators, mainly regarding Resilient city, but also to make cleaner and safer the management of solid waste and industrial waste waters, important sectors on which the city is investing to pursue its low carbon development.