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Extension of Sino-German Cooperation on Electro-Mobility and Climate Protection

The second Sino-German governmental consultations took place on 30 August 2012 in Beijing. In this framework German Minister for the Environment Peter Altmaier signed a Joint Declaration on the Expansion of the Sino-German Cooperation in the Field of Electro-Mobility and Climate Protection in the presence of Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao.

In the Joint Declaration of the Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MoST) Ministers Altmaier and Wan Gang recognised the existing cooperation between both ministries regarding the development of climate protection potentials of electro-mobility in China and committed to the extension of this cooperation until the end of 2015. The focal points include, among others, the charging and network infrastructure as well as the integration of electric vehicles in transport and mobility services for sustainable urban transport. The cooperation will continue to be implemented by GIZ in China together with the China Automotive Technology and Research Center (CATARC) in the framework of the project “Climate Protection and Electro-Mobility in China” that is supported through the International Climate Protection Initiative.