The “10th China Urban Development and Planning Conference” was held on 22nd and 23rd of July 2015 supported by Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development (MoHURD) and jointly organised by Chinese Society for Urban Studies and Municipal government of Guangzhou. More than 1000 participants discussed topics of urban planning and sustainable development, new-type urbanization, low-carbon & eco-city and city development transformation. As part of the conference GIZ and the Chinese Society for Urban Studies jointly organised a session on Green Urban Transport.
GIZ project manager Sun Shengyang presented examples from Europe regarding the role of transport in sustainable urbanisation. Other experts from AURP, City of Stockholm and China Sustainable Transport Research Center shared experiences on transit-oriented development, congestion charging, non-motorized transport and sustainable urban transport strategies.
For more information about Sustainable Urban Transport in China please click here.
Presentations can be downloaded below:
“Challenges and Answers: The Berlin Transport Development Strategy”
“Transport Support Sustainable Urbanization – Experiences from Europe”