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Report on “GHG Reporting and Inventorying in Germany” [EN Version]

Quantification of transport related emissions is one of the key requirements in the effort to control GHG-emissions and pollutants in any form.

The report GHG Reporting and Inventorying in Germany – Assessing transport related emissions  provides an overview on the institutionalisation of inventory planning, preparation and management at the national level in Germany. It also includes a general description of the data and methods used for the calculation of transport related emissions in the national inventory. The report was developed by the IFEU Institute.

GIZ China aims to assist their Chinese partners in the design and implementation of measures, strategies and standards for climate change mitigation, energy efficiency and environmental protection in China’s transport sector. Quantifying transport related emissions underlies many of these efforts and is therefore a focus of their work in China. The sustainable transport programme in cooperation with its Chinese counterparts strives to improve capacities in GHG accounting, monitoring and modelling. The sustainable transport in China Team does so through exchanging German and Chinese experiences, developing tools and emission factors adapted to Chinese circumstances, offering trainings, gathering additional transport data and engaging in policy dialogues on the need for improved transport data sharing and management.

Click below to download the report in English.