The NAMA Support Project China Integrated Waste Management (IWM NAMA) aims to reduce GHG emissions of China’s waste sector and induce a transformational change in the way waste is handled through increasing the attractiveness of IWM and waste-to-energy solutions as financially sustainable low-carbon investment options. Taian has recently upgraded its waste incineration plant and will soon implement a number of improvements to its biogas plant for restaurant and kitchen waste in the framework of the NAMA project.
The project boundary of Taian City includes Taishan and Daiyue Districts, covering an area of 130 square kilometres. The Taian Environmental Sanitation Office under the Municipal Management Bureau is the authority responsible for waste management in the city.
How would IWM NAMA project support the city to improve integrated waste management
Dr. Liu Xiao
Project Manager
China Integrated Waste Management NAMA
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH