Mulch film is used in agriculture for soil warming, improving moisture retention, suppressing weeding and shortening the growth cycle of crops. At present, China is the world’s largest country in the amount of mulch film used with approx. 1.5 million tons. Despite the positive economic effect, the used film also generates large amounts of plastic waste due to its short lifecycle. With the remained film on fields, destroying the soil structure, hindering the transmission of water and fertilizer, and affecting machinery operation. Moreover, the pollution with mulch film residues leads to a significant reduction of crop yields and endangers the health of livestock and humans.
The management of plastic mulch film in China by enhancing the recycling efficiency of PE mulch film and promoting the utilization of biodegradable mulch film is improved.
The project works towards a solution of the mulch film problem in two ways: By upgrading the management of mulch film and by promoting the utilization of biodegradable film.
Polyethylene (PE) mulch film:
Biodegradable mulch film:
For both PE and biodegradable mulch film:
Expected outputs
Ms. HOU Jingyue
Project Manager
Sino-German Project for Upgrading Plastics Management in Agriculture